Meet The D-Spirits!
Check out Episodes of The Control The Soul Podcast!

Introducing D-Spirit Variants! You may find super rare D-Spirits within the set that feature gold name foiling, alternate colors and stats enhancements. Some D-Spirits have much more than 1 variant.

Over 15 Unique Artists!
Over 200 New Cards!
3d Art, Watercolor paintings, Detailed illustrations!

Learn how to play the D-spirits Card Game!
Learn how to play the Trading Card Game by watching this D-Battle between Damian and Atlus! And then afterwards get your own D-squad together to play with your friends!

Join online with friends and play the D-Spirits card game digitally! Click here to play today!
Meet fellow D-tectives! Live chat with the series creator and learn more about the world of

Ongoing News & Updates in the World of D-spirits
Sun Oct 31 2021 1:00 PM
The D-Spirits “Soul Searchers 2.0” Sample Set Coming Soon!
We’re celebrating the 1 year anniversary of D-Spirits with a very special surprise! The Soul Searchers 2.0 TCG set will be coming soon in November! This set features improvements and additions to the original set of cards that were apart of the 1st Edition “Soul Searchers” D-Spirits sample card set. This set will also include a few sample versions of D-Spirits that will be appearing in the “Control The Soul!” card set coming soon to Kickstarter pledgers! Updates on how you can snag these updated souls will be announced in the coming weeks! Please stay tuned for more updates!

Thurs Sep 16 2021 12:00 AM
The D-Spirits Starter Makes History!
The D-Spirits Kickstarter was a grand success! Our original goal was $36,000, which exceeded to over 360k! D-Spirits truly shot to the moon! A huge thank you is owed to everyone who helped make our kickstarter 1000% funded! D-Spirits future looks bright and we look forward to helping you find more soulmates soon in the Kickstarter Exclusive, “Control The Soul” TCG set, launching very soon!

Sat Jul 3 2021 4:00 PM
New D-Spirits Control The Soul Card Set!
New and improved D-spirits are on the way in the upcoming booster pack, “Control the Soul”! This set features the same lovable spirits found within the pre-release sets but now with improved art, abilities, increased font size, and some new surprises as well! Be sure To continue to check back for updates! The D-spirits “Control the Soul” card set will be launching soon!
Brand new card interfaces coming to the D-spirits Card Game! Have a look!